This paper aims to identify the attitudes of students towards the Palestinian Resistance Literature (PRL) and the role of some variables (gender, stage and place of residence) in determining students’ attitudes towards PRL. The study population consisted all students in the schools of Jerusalem. The sample (1,302) was withdrawn using the cluster random method. We constructed a questionnaire comprised 58 items to measure the attitudes of Palestinian students towards PRL. We used descriptive methods- mathematical averages, standard deviations, and percentages- and analytical methods - t-test and one-way ANOVA. The findings show that the level of attitudes of Jerusalem students towards PRL was high across all domains in terms of the role of PRL in general; attitudes towards Palestinian resistance poetry; attitudes towards an environment rich in Palestinian resistance literature. This shows the importance of PRL in the lives of the Palestinian people due to its major role in confronting occupation. In addition, the results indicated there are no statistically significant differences in the attitudes of students towards PRL attributable to the sex variable. Further, there are statistically significant to the stage variable in favor of the elementary stage and the residence variable in favor of refugee camps.
برکات, هبه ابراهيم علي, اورتيکا, خوسيه لويس مارتن, & زيدان, عفيف. (2014). Attitudes of Jerusalem students towards the Palestinian Resistance Literature (PRL). دراسات عربية في التربية وعلم النفس, 48(48), 179-208. doi: 10.21608/saep.2014.50095
هبه ابراهيم علي برکات; خوسيه لويس مارتن اورتيکا; عفيف زيدان. "Attitudes of Jerusalem students towards the Palestinian Resistance Literature (PRL)", دراسات عربية في التربية وعلم النفس, 48, 48, 2014, 179-208. doi: 10.21608/saep.2014.50095
برکات, هبه ابراهيم علي, اورتيکا, خوسيه لويس مارتن, زيدان, عفيف. (2014). 'Attitudes of Jerusalem students towards the Palestinian Resistance Literature (PRL)', دراسات عربية في التربية وعلم النفس, 48(48), pp. 179-208. doi: 10.21608/saep.2014.50095
برکات, هبه ابراهيم علي, اورتيکا, خوسيه لويس مارتن, زيدان, عفيف. Attitudes of Jerusalem students towards the Palestinian Resistance Literature (PRL). دراسات عربية في التربية وعلم النفس, 2014; 48(48): 179-208. doi: 10.21608/saep.2014.50095