Enabling learners of a non-native language to auto-diagnose their learning inhibitions and disabilities

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


کلية التربية


Within the framework of raising self-awareness the" Kai-Ka-Kou" Japanese systematic approach  has been manipulated to enable learners figuring out what hinders their communicative process and leads to inhibit learning.  To do this, an instrument has been designed to stand as a "must-have" manual. This manual instrument has a double- fold objective. First, auto-diagnose what hinders communication and thus inhibits learning. Second, provide procedures and steps for a learner to adopt and resolve this communicative learning dilemma. This manual addresses raising learners' self-awareness. This has been facilitated through adopting the Japanese "Kai-Ka-Kou" systematic approach mainly for the following reasons. First, it is a four-capsulated steps. Second, it targets the learners' thinking map leading to a " radical- process- change". Third, it facilitates auto-diagnosing through being capsulated in its designing characteristics. Fourth, it facilitates designing an individualistic measuring tool.